Question Submit

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Using Classes as a Contractor.


I have many houses in progress. I have an account set up by house for construction. I want to:

(1) Run expense report by house (or customer) I run by Account number.


(2) Run a report for the one house and separate by types of products. (i.e.: electrical, framing, windows, etc)I would like to use CLASSES for this filtering process. How would I do this? Can I post these transactions by both Account # and Class Code and run by either filter?


Good question. It is very savvy of you to use your accounting software to gather as much information about job profitability as you can. To use class tracking you simply need to turn it on in your preferences (Edi t-> Preferences).

Then when you enter your income and expenses just classify them to their respective classes.

Then when you run a report go to “Modify Report” and click on the “Filters” tab. Select “Class” and choose the one you want. You can also use the same process to filter by customers/jobs. However, your best bet may be to consider using "Quickbooks Premier: Contractor Edition". There are some nice reports that show job costing information.

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